

AI Tool Description

Zenon AI-Enabled Automation Platform

The Zenon AI-Enabled Automation platform offers end-to-end solutions and products, incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques. The platform focuses on delivering intelligent automation for leading financial services, healthcare, and tech-forward B2B/B2C companies. With a wealth of expertise across the data-to-value spectrum, Zenon helps turn priorities into performance and profit.


Intelligent Data Management

Zenon understands the importance of making data usable. They offer a range of services, including Master Data Management, Natural Language Processing, and rapid feature creation. These capabilities ensure that data is effectively processed, organized, and optimized for various applications.

Advanced Analytics & Machine Learning

The platform employs advanced analytics and machine learning models to extract actionable insights from data. With expertise in developing industry-specific ML models, Zenon provides tailored solutions for specific use cases, offering valuable insights to drive informed decision-making.

Solution Design & Development

Zenon adopts a design thinking approach and a "human + machine" mindset to deliver end-to-end working solutions. They focus on enhancing, rather than disrupting, key processes and operations in organizations. By integrating automation seamlessly, Zenon ensures a smooth transition and improved efficiencies.

Implementation & Integration

Zenon teams work alongside existing systems and processes to integrate their solutions without disruption. Their collaborative approach ensures that their AI-enabled automation seamlessly fits into clients' operations, leveraging open-source technologies to achieve synergies.

AI-Enabled Products

Zenon offers several AI-enabled products that address key challenges in marketing, spend management, and risk assessment. These products include:

  • Economic Stress Score: Evaluate the health of suppliers and business customers in real-time using Zenon's proprietary scoring system.
  • Z-Base Commercial Intelligence: Gain accurate and complete insights on over 30 million US businesses to enhance the return on investment (ROI) of B2B marketing efforts.
  • Spend Genius™: Utilize Zenon's AI-powered digital spend auditor to identify powerful new ways to save and optimize spending.
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Zenon AI tool was published in our directory on September 13, 2023. Last updated: October 9, 2023.

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