

AI Tool Description

ChatWizard is a user-friendly AI-powered chatbot builder that enables website owners to create personalized and natural interactions with users.

With key features such as GPT-powered chatbots, website data training, and an intuitive interface, ChatWizard streamlines customer support and enhances user experience.
Use cases for ChatWizard are broad and include website owners seeking to improve engagement, businesses looking to streamline customer support, and content creators aiming to enhance document interactions.


  • AI-powered Chatbot
  • Website Data Training
  • User-Friendly Interface
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ChatGPT that communicates in a succinct and straightforward manner. It reverts to normal AI behavior upon receiving an "unpotato" command.

Chatbot UI

Chatbot UI

Advanced chatbot kit for OpenAI chat models mimicking ChatGPT.

Character AI

Character AI

Create and talk to AI-powered characters.

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