

AI Tool Description

Fetchr is an advanced AI-powered chat messenger designed to reimagine business intelligence and streamline data requests within organizations. By onboarding Fetchr on your company data, employees can effortlessly retrieve the information they need in a matter of seconds.


  • Chat Messenger: Fetchr provides a user-friendly chat interface that enables employees to interact with the AI-powered system easily.
  • Instant Data Requests: Leveraging advanced AI capabilities, Fetchr can fulfill data requests from employees within seconds.
  • Business Intelligence: By utilizing Fetchr, organizations can unlock the potential of their data and gain valuable insights for informed decision-making.
  • Onboarding Company Data: Fetchr seamlessly integrates with your company data, ensuring that employees have access to the information they need.


  • Improved Efficiency: Fetchr eliminates the need for manual data retrieval, saving time and resources for employees and the organization as a whole.
  • Enhanced Employee Experience: With quick and seamless access to information, employees can work more efficiently and effectively.
  • Data-driven Decision Making: By providing timely and accurate data, Fetchr empowers organizations to make informed decisions based on insights and analytics.
  • Simplified Data Retrieval: Fetchr's intuitive chat messenger interface simplifies the process of retrieving data, making it accessible to all employees.

Overall, Fetchr revolutionizes the way businesses handle data requests, ensuring that employees can effortlessly access the information they need to drive productivity and make data-driven decisions in real-time.

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Fetchr AI tool was published in our directory on September 25, 2023. Last updated: September 25, 2023.

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