
Fine Tuner AI

Pricing Model

  • Freemium


  • API

  • Discord Community

AI Tool Description

Fine Tuner AI is a no-code platform designed to simplify AI agent creation process, without needing any technical skills, coding expertise or big machine learning teams.

The platform offers pre-built AI agents--customizable to meet users' needs--for various use cases, such as customer support, business automation, and custom tools creation, among many others.

Key Features:

  • Access to specialized AI agents
  • Instant data integration from various formats (e.g., PDF, CSV, PPT, URL, API)
  • Active Memory Storage
  • Simple API and plugins for easy connection to data sources, models, and third-party services

Use Cases:

  • Enhance customer service through AI agents that provide instant answers and document search capabilities
  • Streamline business processes with automation powered by AI agents
  • Create custom AI-powered tools for niche applications in respective industries

Fine Tuner AI not only simplifies the development process of AI agents, but it also provides complete control over the agent's learning process by utilizing unlimited training data vectors in the dedicated Pinecone environment. It is a dedicated platform for users who are looking for sophisticated automations and workflows without any coding experience.

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