

AI Tool Description

Flowpoint is an advanced web analytics tool that provides AI-driven insights to help maximize online success by identifying underlying factors affecting poor conversion rates.

This tool offers comprehensive user behavior tracking, optimized script and performance, cross-domain funnel tracking, GDPR and CCPA compliance, and AI-powered recommendations for boosting sales and optimizing conversion rates. Flowpoint is an ideal resource for businesses and website owners seeking to improve conversion rates, digital marketers and SEO professionals looking for insights on website performance, and web developers and UX/UI designers seeking to enhance user experience and engagement.


  • AI-driven insights
  • Comprehensive user behavior tracking
  • Standard and advanced event capturing
  • Optimized script and performance
  • GDPR and CCPA compliance
  • AI-powered recommendations
  • Cross-domain funnel tracking
  • Technical audits and testing
  • User behavior analytics
  • Resources and support
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