

AI Tool Description

OpenChat is an advanced tool that enables the easy creation and management of customized ChatGPT-like chatbots, even for those without coding experience.

Users can embed and share chatbots on various platforms, including websites, PDF files, and Notion. The open-source console makes deployments a breeze and transforms crawled data into knowledge with advanced language models.
OpenChat boasts powerful crawlers and LLMs and is a versatile solution suitable for use cases ranging from customer support to personal libraries.


  • Code-Free Chatbot Creation
  • Embed and Share Anywhere
  • Open-Source Chatbot Console
  • Powerful Crawlers and LLMs
  • Versatile Applications
  • Live Demos

Use cases for OpenChat include creating a customized AI chatbot for customer support, using it as a private tutor, building an internal knowledge base, or training it on specialized data.

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