

AI Tool Description


Stackbear is an advanced AI-powered chatbot and virtual assistant platform designed to automate customer support and enhance user engagement on websites. With Stackbear, businesses can create intelligent chatbots that can understand complex queries, provide accurate answers, and engage in natural language conversations with website visitors.

Automate your customer support

Stackbear allows businesses to add an AI-powered assistant to their website, trained on their own content, to provide 24/7 customer support without the need for coding. The chatbot can answer customer questions, escalate tickets to human agents when needed, and engage visitors in personalized conversations.

A chatbot, but not as you know it

Stackbear goes beyond traditional chatbot capabilities by enabling businesses to build natural language bots that can understand complex queries and converse at a human level. The AI assistant can be personalized to match the brand's identity and behavior, offering a more personalized and interactive experience for users.


With Stackbear, businesses can upload content from their website or import documents to create a knowledge base. Users can ask questions and get answers directly from the company's knowledge base, allowing for efficient and accurate information retrieval.


Stackbear provides customization options to tailor the personality and behavior of the AI assistant for multiple purposes. Businesses are not limited to just user support; they can personalize the assistant for various use cases such as lead capturing, email messaging, and more.

Simple Setup

Setting up the Stackbear assistant is straightforward. By entering the website URL, the AI scans the content to train the assistant instantly. There is no complicated workflow building required. The process involves scanning the website or uploading text, removing unwanted pages, and copying and pasting the embed code to activate the assistant on the website.


Stackbear's AI assistant is designed to engage with people around the world by supporting multiple languages. This enables businesses to effectively communicate with their global audience and provide customer support in different languages.


Stackbear offers a pricing model that scales with the number of active users, allowing businesses to pay only for the resources they utilize. The platform provides features like GPT-4 integration, human escalation, auto content scanning, brand customization, multi-language support, lead capturing, and more.

In summary, Stackbear empowers businesses to automate their customer support, improve user engagement, and enhance their website's overall experience through the use of advanced AI chatbots and virtual assistants. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, Stackbear simplifies the process of building, launching, and managing AI-powered assistants without any coding knowledge.

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Stackbear AI tool was published in our directory on November 20, 2023. Last updated: November 20, 2023.

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