

AI Tool Description

Collie: Remote Team Management for CTOs and Lead Engineers

Collie is an AI-powered platform that aims to increase the productivity of engineering teams through seamless remote team management. The tool provides a comprehensive solution for CTOs and lead engineers to streamline their workflow and improve collaboration within their teams.

With Collie, the traditional challenges of remote team management, such as note-taking, summarizing calls, remembering to follow up, and writing down tasks, become a thing of the past. The platform offers a centralized hub for preparing, running, and recapping engineering meetings, allowing users to efficiently manage check-ins, one-on-one meetings, and retrospectives all from a single tool.


  • Meeting Preparation: Collie assists users in preparing for engineering meetings by providing tools to organize agenda items and tasks, ensuring that all team members are on the same page.
  • Smooth Meeting Execution: During meetings, Collie offers features like note-taking, action item tracking, and discussion summaries, enabling seamless collaboration and ensuring that important information and decisions are captured accurately.
  • Recap and Follow-up: After the meeting, Collie automatically generates meeting summaries, making it easy to review key points and actions. This eliminates the need for manual note-taking and saves time for both team members and managers.
  • Check-ins: Collie facilitates regular check-ins between team members and managers, providing a structured framework for tracking progress, addressing concerns, and maintaining open communication.
  • One-on-Ones: The platform enables efficient one-on-one meetings by providing a dedicated space to discuss individual goals, challenges, and growth opportunities. Collie ensures that these meetings are focused, constructive, and lead to actionable outcomes.
  • Retrospectives: Collie facilitates retrospectives, allowing teams to reflect on their processes, identify areas for improvement, and implement changes effectively. With automated tracking and documentation, Collie supports a continuous improvement cycle within engineering teams.

Collie leverages AI technology to streamline team management processes and enhance collaboration, ultimately boosting the productivity and effectiveness of engineering teams. Whether it's for remote teams, distributed teams, or hybrid work environments, Collie provides the tools needed to optimize communication, decision-making, and overall team performance.

With its focus on engineering-specific workflows, Collie caters specifically to the needs of CTOs and lead engineers. By eliminating manual administrative tasks and providing a centralized platform for remote team management, Collie empowers engineering teams to focus on their core responsibilities and drive successful project outcomes.

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Collie AI tool was published in our directory on September 6, 2023. Last updated: September 6, 2023.

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